Chinese Emotional Support Hotline Volunteer – Man Qin Wen (Melanie Wen)
Melanie is a mother of two children. On her child’s sixth birthday, she said to her husband “I was sent to China at this exact age”.
Melanie is a mother of two children. On her child’s sixth birthday, she said to her husband “I was sent to China at this exact age”.
求职是一个大家都很关心的问题。这一次排忧解难热线请来了林钧为大家分享一下他的求职心得。林钧就职于阿尔伯塔省政府的Alberta Petroleum Marketing Commission (APMC)。林先生和林太太有三个女儿,他们从2009年开始居住在胖大妈山(Panorama Hill)。林钧在加拿大读了一个MBA还有获得了注册会计师(CPA)的资格。
This is the greatest single achievement in more than 4 years history of Love Heart Food Distribution Program+ Chinese Emotional Support Hotline 5879975977.
No words can express our highest appreciation but a deep bow from the bottom of our heart!
Loving heart food giveaway. Please call 587-997-5977 for free food support! Bread, chips, popcorn, hotdog and more! call for free!