Chinese Emotional Support Hotline Volunteer – Super Stars of the Month November
Are you suffering from insomnia? Are you experiencing fatigue or mood changes due to lack of sleep?
Sleeping too late, waking up too early, waking up frequently at night… these are not just the problems of the seniors. Young people and even children are suffering from sleep disorders as well. Sleep deprivation can not only affect our memory, thinking, behavior and emotions but also cause short-term or long-term damage to our health.
In this webinar, we will explain why sleep is important for our mental health and share practical tips to improve our sleep quality and increase our life satisfaction.
COVID has significantly influenced our lives in the past three years. Not only adults, but also children have been affected by the changes at school and limitations to get together with friends and classmates. What shall we do to help our kiddos? Please come and join the next webinar hosted by our hotline. Ruby Luo, mother of students at Harvard University, will share experience with you about how to build resilience for children, especially under the pandemic.
This webinar is part of our Chinese Emotional Support Hotline presentation series, with the purpose of improving the Chinese community’s wellbeing and mental health through providing free educational seminars raising awareness on the resources available to support you. Parenting is always one of the hottest topic among Chinese parents.
If you like to talk to somebody in Chinese, you are more than welcome to call Chinese Emotional Support hotline at 587-997-5977. Our well trained hotline volunteers can provide you with emotional support and connect you to community resources for further help. Our services are completely free, confidential & non-judgemental. Our hotline was created after months […]
你是否一直想找一份稳定的工作?同时又能让你追求自己的兴趣?快来参加排忧解难热线的第四期讲座吧。主讲人将向大家介绍联邦政府各种不同类型的工作。比如说IT, 行政服务,健康,研究,经济等。主讲人Daniel是一位注重于系统架构设计、实施、流程开发、时间表契合以及KPI分析的IT项目经理。过去,他成功的带领多个团队参加了谷歌的初创公司项目并成功获取经费。他也为多个团队引入敏捷框架以显著提高团队绩效。目前,他在加拿大税务局的团队负责监督所有税务局和边境服务局的SAP Timesheet相关项目,为加拿大各地数万名员工提供服务。