Amazing Loving Heart Food Giveaway


It’s amazing
In 9 days from August 28 to September 5
More than 200 volunteers
Approximately 90,000 pounds of food from 4 huge containers (times 3: Unloaded into storage, reloaded onto individual vehicles, and unloaded at final distribution spots)
More than 80 organizations, and
More than 1,000 families
Travelled about 5000 km;

In 9 days
Volunteers as old as 80 and as young as 10
Everyone put efforts together
Supported our financially struggled neighbourhood
Under this act of kindness;

This is
the greatest single achievement in more than 4 years history of
Love Heart Food Distribution Program+ Chinese Emotional Support Hotline 5879975977

No words can express our highest appreciation but a deep bow from the bottom of our heart.

If you need food support, please click on the link below to register. 需要食品援助的家庭可以点击下面的链接完成注册。